All You Need to Know about Your Eyes


Most people take their Ethos vision for granted. Every day, there are memorable sights such as your eyes record as a matter of course. It may be something as simple as the first steps that a baby takes, a wonderful sunset or a mountain setting. Each of these images will be precious to you. Do you know how your eyes work and what steps you should take to keep them in good condition so that you will still see these things? Eyes are fairly complex with several components interacting with each other to provide you with the ‘’pictures’’ you see every minute of the day.

Your eyes will only work when there is sufficient light to bounce off the image in front of you to enter your eyes via their pupils. The pupil is the black piece in the middle of each of your eyes. Depending on the amount of light available, the size of the pupil is changed by the iris, the coloured part of your eye. On the light goes to be focused by the lens on to the retina which is located at the back of the eye. The retina then sends a number of electric impulses to the brain which produces the image. It takes no time; everything is instantaneous. Just think about the mechanics of a camera; it is a similar process though there are also some differences in the way that your eyes and a camera function.

Think of the shutter in a camera as the iris. In the case of a camera, the light focuses on film rather than the retina. The retina has the capacity to send 10 million pieces of information every second. It is clear just from these simple facts that everyone should ensure that they do everything to keep their eyes healthy because without them the world would be a vastly different place. As you age, your eyesight is likely to deteriorate, but that does not mean you cannot do things to minimise the rate at which it deteriorates.

While opticians can give you advice and a diagnosis on your eyes, and indeed, there are glasses using suitable lenses to improve any deteriorating vision, there are things you can do yourself to keep yourself in good shape. They include a healthy diet and exercise to keep your overall health in good shape. In addition, why not consider eye drops which help keep your eyes lubricated as well as providing vitamins and minerals to help prevent some of the common eye diseases that occur today in humans and animals?

The point about using eye drops is that they are perfectly safe and testimonials talk of their effectiveness. They are cheap and widely available on such websites as eBay which has become a popular destination for buyers and sellers. They are very easy to administer, just a few seconds on a regular basis and you can relax, knowing you are doing your ‘’bit’’ in keeping your precious eyes healthy.

Always read the label - Use only as directed - If symptoms persist see your healthcare professional.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration or the Therapeutic Goods Regulations 1990.

These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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