Applying Ethos Bright Eyes Drops

Ethos Bright Eyes Drops for Cataracts have been proven to help those who suffer from cataracts when used correctly, our feedback and statistics that we collect show that 79% of customers see a significant improvement in the first 6-8 weeks of use. There are a few ways to ensure that you use our drops to get the best results so we have put together some tips to help.
Firstly, we recommend to use between 7 and 10 eye drops a day, which in turn should use approximately one of our 2x5ml bottles every 6 weeks. The number of drops you should use daily depends on the condition of the individual’s cataracts and how developed they are. Therefor those with less developed cataracts should use 7 or 8 drops daily and those whose condition has progressed further should use 9 or 10. We recommend to use the drops hourly to ensure that the eye is lubricated in the liquid as much as possible. Along with those with a more developed condition using more drops daily, they may also have to use more than one course of 6 week drops. Everyone’s eyes react at a different rate therefore the rate of recovery varies.
When you are ready to apply your Ethos Bright Eyes Drops for Cataracts make sure that you are relaxed and comfortable, this makes it a lot easier to apply them to the eye and makes you less likely to blink or jump when you apply the drops. If you find it easier, you can lie down to apply your drops or simply tilt your head backwards. If you feel that you are not able to apply to drops by yourself then you can ask someone to help.
If someone is helping you then you can gently open your eye with your fingers and hold it open. Look upwards or to the side but try not to look at the bottle or the persons hands as you are much more likely to blink or flinch which may mean that it takes a few attempts to successfully apply the drops and creates waste. Your helper can then apply the drops, to do this hold the bottle close to the eye so that the drop falls in gently to the eye. When the drop is applied close your eyes for a few minutes to ensure that the drop doesn’t fall out of the eye.
If you are applying the drops by yourself then again lie down or tilt your head. It may help if you can use a mirror to see what you are doing. Use one hand to gently open your eyes for easier access to the eye and use the other to place the bottle close to the eye and gently squeeze the bottle to place one drop. Again close your eyes for a few moments to ensure that the drop doesn’t fall out of the eye.
The final option when applying out Ethos Bright Eyes Drops for Cataracts is to use out EZ-drops applicator strips. These are specifically designed to make the process of applying our drops easier. You can find these on our website.
When you apply the drops they may feel cold in the eye because they should be stored somewhere cool and dry, this feeling is completely normal. When using any of our eye drops make sure to close the eye and hold the tear duct to stop any from falling out. If you have any questions about our products and how to use them please contact us so we can help.