Boys and Girls Eyes Are Different

Years ago, there was an NHS leaflet using the title above. It sought to teach teenagers the ‘’facts of life’’ in a simple way and some parents may well have used them to give to their children then retreat in embarrassment to let them read. These days, such leaflets have become obsolete yet ‘’Boys and Girls Are Different’’ in a way that you may not have realised.
There are differences between male and female eyes. As a general rule, male eyes are better at seeing small detail and movement while female eyes pick up colour more readily. Clearly boys and girls see things differently. You may have always thought that but not relating to physical vision!
Recent research by the City University of New York looked at all our senses and found women have more sensitive noses and ears but you may have already detected that yourself. The findings were all published by Israel Abramov in the journal ‘’Biology of Sex Differences.’’
In terms of eyesight the participants were all aged at least 16 and identified as having 20/20 vision, even if it was only achieved by using glasses or contact lenses. The general conclusions on vision are described above and the research concluded that the differences related to the sets of thalamic neurons in the brain's visual cortex whose development is controlled by male sex hormones, androgens, at the earliest stage as the embryo develops into the foetus.
The implications of these differences are of varying importance. It does suggest that women are more adept at decisions involving colour while men will pick up sudden movements more quickly. You can probably think yourself about things that have happened in daily life where one or other sex has apparently been better at handling a situation that involved vision, all other things being equal.
If you have never thought there was a reason for your partner seemingly actually seeing a physical situation differently than you, you know now that there are real reasons for it.
Both sexes need to value their eyesight. It is extremely precious and should never be taken for granted. It helps to be fit and healthy and that involves living an active life and eating a good balanced diet. You can do a little more than that. There are eyedrops that have been naturally formulated and can add to the quality of your eyes. They don’t improve your vision but they will help keep them healthy and act as an additional barrier to some of the common diseases that can harm the eye.
Eye drops can be bought online, even on such well-known websites as eBay, the popular buying and selling website. They are completely safe, cheap and take no time at all to apply in each eye. They won’t change the characteristics of your eyes but fit nicely into the things you can do to protect your eyes and maintain good vision.