Cataract Ethos Eye Drops for Dogs Review

I am writing to you to tell you about the difference the amazing product, Ethos Bright Eyes Cataract Eye Drops for Dogs, has made to my dog Jessie and her quality of life.
Jessie is a Collie X, we’re not sure what she is actually crossed with but it must have been solidly built! In the last few years she developed diabetes and with it came cataracts. Although the vet told us light was still getting through, it wouldn’t be long before she became blind as the cataracts progressed. I was determined not to let that happen as Jessie is a much-loved member of the family, so I suggested we pay for surgery to have them removed.
My wife searched on the internet for an alternative treatment, insisting that she had heard of a product that could help. I admit to my scepticism, I thought that this condition was irreversible and that surgery was the only option. We found your product and I spent a while reading as much as I could find; in all honesty I was looking for negative reviews to convince my wife because I didn’t believe it could help. As I couldn’t find anything to confirm my suspicions I agreed to give it a try but still reserve surgery as an option if it didn’t work.
I have never been so pleased to admit I was wrong. Jessie’s cataracts have not only stopped progressing, they have almost cleared up! I am still shocked by the effectiveness of this product, it is truly astounding: she can see her friends from the other side of the fields, where she loves to run, and will go tearing off like a force of nature to play with them. Using Caninsulin to control her diabetes and brightEyes to restore her sight, she’s like a big puppy again. Jessie’s vet is that impressed he asked us to drop some literature down to him next time we go in.
Another thing I was worried about was actually administering the drops, Jessie can be a little stubborn at times. I needn’t have worried though, as soon as my wife says it’s time for her drops, she sits down and lifts her head!
I would like to say thanks for supplying this fantastic product, I would recommend it to anyone; I would also like to thank you for your excellent customer service and always prompt delivery.