Cataracts Kangaroos and Orphan Joeys

An email we got from a wild life carer in Australia asking for Ethosheaven's help.
I am a wildlife carer from Western Australia I have a western grey joey that is developing cataract in both eyes. Raising theses native animals is very expensive and I don't get any money from government bodies.
It is very heart breaking to raise the joeys from 400 g to 2 kg and see the bewlidement in their face as the cataract grows and their vision fades . It would cost up to $3000 to get them removed surgically .
Would it be possible if you could sell the drops at a reduced price please?.
The joey I have, came in at 400 grams she has been in care for about 4 months. I first noticed a small white spot in both her eyes on the 06/08/2019 over the next couple of days it went all over her eyes. It grew very quickly.
There is a lot of theories on how they get cataracts, no one is sure, it is a random occurrence. It is very heartbreaking as the joeys want to curl up into a ball when they would be starting to look around and be more active.
I sincerely hope you can see your way clear to helping us out. There wouldn't be enough words to say thank you.
Ethosheaven will send you a box of ethos eye drops Free - I am sure if the word spreads others will also help out as I think the joey will need 6+ boxes - if anyone would like to help this orphan joey please get in touch