Conjunctivitis Heavenly Eye Drops

Conjunctivitis – what a nightmare!!! it will often go away without treatment in around a week, or sometimes slightly longer. It manifests itself in swelling of the membrane that lines the eye surface and eyelid. That membrane is clear normally but when infected it swells and colours.
It is a very common condition that can be caused by anything from a virus to bacteria, allergies and dry eye because of wind and sun. Exposure to smoke or fumes is another reason for its development. When the cause is a virus or bacteria, it can spread very quickly.
There is a real treatment when it is a result of a virus, so it is good news that it is one of the less serious eye problems. If for some reason it persists and it becomes chronic, it will lower your resistance to other infections.
Bacterial infection in the eye needs treatment to combat the soreness and discomfort, whatever it is. There is likely to be more discharge in the eye.
Just because Conjunctivitis is not serious, it does not mean that you should become complacent about the vision. Cataracts, AMD or Glaucoma maybe be just a few months of years away. Your quality of life will diminish that is very dependent upon having good vision.
There are simple things that you can do to protect your eyes and one of the very best is the use of eye drops soon to be launched by ethosheaven are manufactured using natural ingredients.
Our treatment provides a barrier to disease, even a minor one, removes the risk of serious problems developing. Even Conjunctivitis can become chronic and lead to more serious conditions that can threaten eyesight over all.