Counter the Effects of Aging on Your Eye


As people age, so do every organ in their bodies. Their eyes may look no different to others but that does not mean they don’t change as well. The most obvious change is in your lenses; they lose their flexibility as you age; it is a natural process and results in your finding it more difficult to focus as you used to do. There are a number of problems associated with aging, and eyesight is certainly one of them. In some cases, all that happens is that you may need reading glasses, but in other cases, the effects of aging can be much more severe. It highlights the need to look after your eyes to combat those effects.

Your eyes are precious and you should protect them from really bright light and avoid overstraining them; too long looking at a screen without a break can be harmful. Likewise, good sunglasses will protect them from the glare of the sun and its rays.

You should resolve to get a regular eye check even if you believe your sight is as good as it ever was. It cannot be stressed enough how important it is to catch any eye-related problems early and prevention is always better than cure anyway. The time to begin a course of action is before a problem emerges.

If you resolve to lead a healthy life with some exercise and a good diet, you are doing as much as you can to stop the onset of health problems and that means issues with your vision as well. It doesn’t mean that all of a sudden you should start running the streets but surely there are times you can leave the car at home and walk instead. It’s a start.
Your diet should include fresh fruit and vegetables, more white meat than red and fish such as salmon. There is plenty of information on a healthy diet as well as the things you should largely avoid. Processed foods contain too much salt and sugar that add little to the flavour. If you fry less of your food you are helping as well. There is minimal sacrifice involved in a healthy diet.

There are some excellent eye drops that can provide additional support in avoiding the common diseases that there are today; dry eye, glaucoma, detached retina, cataracts and macular degeneration. There is plenty of information on the dangers of smoking and they include potential harm to your vision ultimately. Macular degeneration is the greatest risk from smoking.

Each of these problems are more likely as you age. They are treatable but it is so much better to prevent their occurring. You should consider these eye drops seriously; they are readily available, quick and easy to apply and perfectly safe. Take a look online because you will find on websites such as eBay. The costs are small and well worth it as part of a determination to look after yourself better, vision included.

Always read the label - Use only as directed - If symptoms persist see your healthcare professional.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration or the Therapeutic Goods Regulations 1990.

These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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