Dogs Common Eye Problems


Dogs, a man’s best friend, can unfortunately suffer from a number of different eye problems. We have previously published a blog post on the most common eye diseases to look out for in cats however they differ from what is common in dogs. Of course our beloved four legged friends, unless obvious or severe, cannot tell us if they have any symptoms, so it is up to you to know what to look for so you can cure the issue as soon as possible. Today we will talk about the most common eye problems in dogs and what to look out for.

As many of our previous blog posts talk about, cataracts is a serious condition that both humans and animals can suffer from that if left untreated is likely to lead to loss of sight. Cataracts can develop naturally or be the result of an injury to the eye, the eye will become clouded and this leads to sight loss. Things to look out for include changes in the colour, shape and brightness of your dog’s eye and if their sight seems to worsen. We have many blog posts on cataracts to read if you wish to find more information. To treat cataracts we recommend using our Bright Eyes Cataracts Drops for Pets which will help cure the condition and keep the eyes strong and healthy.

The next condition is corneal ulcer. This is an ulcer on the eye caused by a severe injury such as debris or another object in the eye. If you see your dog with swollen, irritated, injured or infected eyes then it is likely to cause a corneal ulcer. The best way to prevent this is by treating any injury as soon as possible and keeping your dog in good health. You can also use our Re-Vital Eyes Drops for Pets as these help keep the eyes clean, healthy and prevent disease.

Glaucoma is another common eye problem that dogs face. Glaucoma is when there is too much pressure on the eye causing damage to the optic nerve. If untreated it often causes loss of sight. The causes of pressure vary but the best way to prevent the development of glaucoma is to keep your dog’s eyes healthy. We recommend a healthy diet along with exercise. For extra support in keeping your dog’s eyes healthy you can use our Re-Vital Eyes Drops for Pets.

Lastly on our list is in growing eyelids or eyelash problems. In growing eye lids in when the eye lid curls under so the lashes are touching the eyeball. This causes rubbing and friction and which can be painful. There is no way to cure this apart from a small operation but if caught early then infection and irritation can be prevented.

There are many different diseases and problems that dogs can suffer from and each dog is different ass to how fast they develop. The best way to prevent your dog from developing any problems is to keep them healthy with diet and exercise and regular check-ups at the vets. Our Re-Vital Eyes Drops for Pets are great at keeping eye strong, healthy and able to fight of diseases and we also have many drops available for any dogs with developed conditions. If you would like more information about any of the conditions mentioned above and have any questions about our products please contacts us.

Always read the label - Use only as directed - If symptoms persist see your healthcare professional.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration or the Therapeutic Goods Regulations 1990.

These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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