Dogs suffering with cataracts

Unfortunately, thousands of dogs suffer every year with cataracts, the word cataract actually refers to the cloud like affect that is often seen with the condition. This visible effect is the infection in the crystalline lens of the eye. Some dogs are born with the problem and some develop cataracts in their early years, between one and three years old is the most common age.
There are lots of different symptoms with cataracts depending on the type. Normal symptoms include cloudiness in the eye, impaired vision and being confused. However, if your dog has diabetes mellitus-related cataract you may also notice increased thirst, urinating more often and weight loss.
Once a dog develops a cataract, the only way to completely remove it is to perform surgery. This is not always 100% successful and can very distressing for the dog. In order for a vet to suggest surgery it normally means that the cataract is very far developed and unlikely to improve through other treatments, before this point is reached an animal is normally prescribed various medication and eye drops to dry and prevent further damage and reverse some of what has already been done.
Here at Ethos Heaven we produce a number of eye drops and medication for dogs and animals that has been proven to be highly effective and efficient when treating animals. In particular we have the Bright Eyes Cataract Drops that are specifically designed to fight against cataracts. This method of treatment is non-invasive, less stressful and quicker for the animal in question.
If we can help at all by answering your questions about cataracts or our products please do not hesitate to contact us!