Dogs with Eye Discharge

Pets Eye Discharge information
You should always keep a check on your pet dog’s health and that includes any signs of problems with their eyes. Some are obvious, some not so. When it comes to discharge from the eyes, that is fairly obvious and you need to check with your vet because there could be a number of causes.
It could be an allergy of some kind, possibly some dirt in the eye, even a speck of dust. Perhaps it is an eye lash? Some apparently minor problems could have serious consequences if you do not get treatment for your dog.
If the discharge is pus, usually yellow-green, that is often a sign of conjunctivitis that may be the result of an injury, tumours, allergies or even a birth defect. Whatever it is, it is important to get to the root of the problem and then ensure that the appropriate treatment is administered. It often involves cleaning and certainly good eye drops will ensure that the eyes don’t dry and keep as clean as possible.
Sometimes, the discharge looks as though your pet is crying; excessive water is also the result of many different things and the treatment to solve the problem may be such things as antibiotics or steroids though they cannot be taken on an ongoing basis.
If the problem is glaucoma, your dog will be in pain so the sooner you act, the better. Surgery is even an option but that should be a last resort. Even simple procedures are invasive, and often expensive.
It is fairly easy to administer eye drops as an answer to an existing problem or to help avoid such problems occurring in the first place. If you apply it gently, your pet should not react badly and it only takes a short time anyway.
It is an oft-used cliché that prevention is better than cure but nevertheless it is a simple truth. Health is precious and that definitely includes vision. Only those who lost sight during their lives know the real consequences of failing vision. Your pet dog can’t tell you his or her problems but your relationship surely means you will want to do everything you can for your pet. That includes a healthy, balanced diet with all the vitamins and minerals needed.
When it comes to vision and eye health, there is plenty of evidence that supplements can help. Specially formulated eye drops are a cost-effective way to keep your pet’s eyes in good condition. Cost wise, the price you will pay is insignificant relative to the costs involved if your pet starts to suffer one of the vision diseases that are fairly common. There is no pain involved and taking action will greatly reduce the chances of your dog needing surgery in the future.