Dogs with Trichiasis Eye Problem

This condition is one where eyelashes grow inwards, thereby affecting the eye. Any lashes that rub against the cornea and the inner surface of the eyelid obviously cause irritation. It is something that your pet dog can contract at any age. If he or she has other conditions, the risk increases.
Some dogs may have a congenital problem where loose skin forms a fold which results in eye lashes changing their position. It is known as Epiblepharon. Burns create trauma which can lead to trichiasis as well. It is a disease that causes irritation and eyes feel sensitive in bright light. If the condition persists and isn’t treated it may result in a corneal ulcer or abrasion.
The treatment once it happens is obvious; the eyelash and perhaps the follicle needs to be removed or redirected so that it will not recur. It may just be a single eyelash in which case it should be possible to remove it with forceps and a steady hand; don’t attempt that yourself of course. There is no guarantee than an eyelash will not grow in the wrong direction again though.
If the problem is a number of eyelashes the answer may be surgery to permanently remove them all. The eyes will be numbed and the procedure may involve lasers, electrolysis, though that can be painful, or cryosurgery which involves removal by freezing though that can have possible complications.
Surgery will certainly improve your pet’s quality of life. It is something that is ultimately used for many vision issues but by its very nature, it is invasive. Even simple procedures have an element of risk, at varying levels, and the costs involved are not cheap because even if you have health insurance for your pet dog, it is likely that eye problems are excluded in standard policies. Take at look at yours and see if that is the case.
You will certainly be looking to keep your pet healthy and that involves a number of things. In the case of a dog, a balanced diet and plenty of exercise are two priorities. It is easy to forget about vision if your dog is very active but it is critical to remember eye health because if it fails the quality of life of your pet will deteriorate as well.
Eye drops are something that you should consider from time to time. A course of treatment is likely to boost the quality of your dog’s eyes and by definition, help maintain good vision. The costs are insignificant as opposed to the consequences of your pet suffering from failing eyesight. There are testimonials on good eye drops, manufactured with natural ingredients, that show that owners have previously found benefits in such treatment.