Ethos Bright eyes drops for pets

Thank you for recent custom of Ethos Bright Eyes Drops, as part of the Ethos Group customer care follow up service, I am obliged as an authorised reseller of bright eye drops for pets to give you a follow up message and further advice using the drops.
Each ethos eye drop box for pets comes with 2 x 5ml bottles which should last one week to 10 days when treating both eyes applying 7-8 drops per day. It is recommended that a full course of 6 boxes for both eyes to last 6-8 weeks. This is the time period for the cataracts to shrink/dissolve or at minimum eye site improvement. If your pet or animal have more mature cataracts it could take slightly longer and more boxes, equally if the cataracts are not so severe it could take less.
The age, breed and other health conditions will play a factor on your dogs and pets well-being and how well the eye drops work.
This advice and super foods listed below are known to help fight eye disease, boost energy and maintain good health in general for dogs and animals with eye problems.
Exercise, maintaining a healthy weight and protecting the eyes from the harmful UV rays of the Sun and specially keep the eyes away from dust and household chemicals.
There are also many simple, fresh and wholesome food items that dogs can thrive on with eye disorders, Animal protein such as rice, chicken, turkey, duck, lamb, goat, rabbit, pork, beef, fish and venison, should be an integral part of their meals mixed with Kale or Carrots, sweet potatoes, blueberries and yogurt mixed in wet food
Please keep a diary with daily routines and tests for you to do when using the above advice ie throw a ball a short distance, then a few days later a bit further, monitor how they move around furniture and go up and down the stairs.