When taken as a natural health supplement Ethos Endymion protects and extends the functional life of the body’s key building blocks – cells, proteins, DNA, and lipids.
Ethos L-Carnosine – The Benefits
Studies on the Rejuvenating Effects of L-Carnosine have shown:
Anti-Carbonylation: Carbonylation is a pathological step in the age-related degradation of the body’s proteins and Carnosine is the most effective anti-carbonylation agent yet discovered.
Antioxidant: Carnosine effectively quenches the most destructive of free radicals, the hydroxyl radical, as well as superoxide, singlet oxygen, and the peroxyl radical.
Cell Rejuvenation: Carnosine has the remarkable ability to actually rejuvenate cells approaching senescence (the end of the life cycle of dividing cells), restoring normal appearance and extending their cellular lifespan.
Wound Healing: Carnosine has the amazing ability to rejuvenate connective tissue cells and thus expedite wound healing.
Brain Protection: Carnosine protects the microvasculature of the brain from plaque formation that may lead to senility and Alzheimer’s disease.
Improved Calcium Response: Carnosine enables the heart muscle to contract more efficiently through the enhancement of calcium response in heart myocytes.
Cellular DNA Protection: Carnosine protects cellular DNA from oxidative damage that accumulates with age.
Skin Protection: Carnosine helps prevent skin collagen cross-linking which leads to loss of elasticity, wrinkles, macro-molecular disorganization, and loss of extracellular matrix.