Ethos Get to the Heart of the Matter

As you get older, you need to be even more conscious of the importance of diet and exercise. The risk of strokes and heart attacks increase as you reach middle age and beyond and regularly there are no warnings of them happening. Plaque builds up in your arteries as you get older but that will not be evident even if you have a health check.
Cardiovascular disease is a hindrance when your heart tries to get blood around your body with the result that you will find it more difficult to enjoy anything other than ordinary daily activities; indeed, some of them will become more difficult at times. It is not difficult to help yourself by ensuring you have a healthy diet, perhaps boosted by supplements with the vitamins and minerals your body needs. Processed food with too much salt and sugar is certainly something that you should cut down on. Sugary drinks and fried food are part of the reason why the younger generation is arguably the least healthy in modern times. It is a cause for great concern with the impact reaching the national provision of health services.
The other factor to consider that relates to self-help in relation to health is lack of exercise. There is little doubt that even the younger generation is not getting as much exercise as previous generation; smart phones and video games?
No one is suggesting that everyone should start training for a half marathon; getting more exercise can just involve more walking and leaving the car at home. Healthy foods include fresh fruit and vegetables, white meat and fish so there is no reason to think that your diet will suddenly lack flavour if you reduce your intake of fast food, fizzy drinks and red meat. You can get advice on the vitamins and minerals that your body needs and take them in supplement form to boost any deficiency in your diet, but you should change diet and not rely purely on supplements.
It is important to reduce the risk of strokes and heart attacks. That involves maintaining a healthy weight, getting your cholesterol checked, eating well and exercising. Smoking has been identified as a potential killer, and excessive alcohol can be harmful. Seek to get a balance in your life and that life is likely to last longer than it would have done otherwise.