Ethos Heaven VE Day Heroes

VE Day Remembering Dark Days and Offering Future Hope
The end of war in Europe was a relief to all. While conflict remained for a few months in the Far East, the German surrender in Europe in May 1945 was a significant step. The world could soon begin recovery from almost six years of conflict. Those who can remember the Day itself as children are in the 80s today, and any who fought are a further ten years old at least.They were joined in the celebrations by people of all ages grateful for the contribution that so many made towards world peace. The fallen are remembered in memorials in many places in Europe and beyond as well.
The Covid 19 pandemic severely restricted the options for celebration but at least today’s means of communication allow for visual ways to express thanks and joy. Remembrance is important not least because it is an important deterrent against anything on a similar scale happening again. Although the EU has its opponents, its very existence is evidence that there is broad agreement within Europe that countries need to work together. One of the possible conclusions that is likely to be reached once the pandemic has gone is that in some fields there needs to be even closer collaboration in health and research. Everyone agrees that a vaccine needs to be developed and become widely available to prevent the disease returning again in the future.
Covid 19 in general has been more dangerous for the elderly, especially those with existing medical problems. It highlights the importance of health, and that includes diet and supplements. Obesity is a factor that is causing concern in today’s society and is something found in all age groups, including children whose diet includes too much sugar, processed and fast food. Good diet and exercise are two things that everyone should resolve to buy into. There is no excuse not to.
In the years that followed peace, enjoying a good nutritional diet was dependent upon what food was available. Rationing was in place as countries slowly recovered from the devastation caused by the War. One thing that was very different in those days from the world we have today is that there was far less processed food, filled with sugar and salt for flavour and preservative. Shoppers did not have fridge and freezer so more fresh food, and more home cooking was the norm. There are many reasons why today’s lifestyles are so different with mass food production seen as the answer to feeding society. However, the developed world would be healthier is more people balanced their diets to include more fresh fruit and vegetables and less fried and fast food. Sermon over! VE Day was a chance to celebrate in a time when the world faces another crisis, Covid 19, and it is to be hoped that lessons are learnt from the pandemic just as peace in the world that began with VE Day resulted in lessons about friendship and cooperation developed in succeeding years.