Ethos Marine Phytoplankton Gold 5 Stars

Ethos Marine Phytoplankton Gold is a more concentrated and therefore higher quality version of our normal Ethos Marine Phytoplankton. It is cultivated, grown and harvested in large phyto-reactors which means that we can monitor the growth and ensure that each batch is of the highest quality. This incredible product can be used not only as a health product but also for cooking, juicing, and a beauty product.
The super nutrient comes in two forms; powder or capsules. The capsules can be taken daily with a drink to give your body a boost, help fight ageing along with a number of other benefits. The powder can be sprinkled into food and drinks as it has a very mild salt taste. High in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, amino acids and enzymes, it gives the body everything that it could need to be healthy whilst repairing any damage previously done to the body.
This miracle product is safe to be used by people of any ages and for animals and has been found to be very beneficial not only to people but also pets. One popular way to use Marine Phytoplankton is to make a nutritional face mask. To make the face mask simply mix six Ethos Marine Phytoplankton capsules or 3/4 teaspoon of Ethos Marine Phytoplankton powder with one tablespoon of honey, distilled water or apple cider vinegar and half of a lemons juice. Mix it thoroughly and apply to your face, leave for 15 to 20 minutes and rinse with warm water. The 100% organic mixture should leave your skin looking and feeling refreshed, younger and with a natural glow. Its popularity has stemmed from its proven ability to reduce acne, blemishes, eczema, wrinkles, facial pores, fine lines, skin irritations, stretch marks and saggy skin.
As Marine Phytoplankton is made with raw materials, the body can easily absorb all of the many different nutrients and put them to work where they are most needed. Just some of the benefits of using this products are as follows;
• For wellbeing and health
• Improved immune system including how the body recovers from injuries
• Improved memory including for dementia patients
• Improved vision including those suffering from cataracts, AMD or glaucoma
• Anti-ageing meaning that skin condition is improved an wrinkles and other marks are reduced
• Helps to combat depression
• Neurological support
Why not try Ethos Marine Phytoplankton for yourself and see what amazing results you get. Many people have been pleasantly surprised with the level of their results whilst using this product and you could be one of them! See our ethosmpgold website for more information and please contact us with questions you may have about any of our products!