Eye Problems with Coronavirus update


The world pandemic has caught the world by surprise. There was no reason to expect such a serious problem arising in the 21st Century and frantic attempts to control the disease and find a vaccine are ongoing. Authorities are stressing the need to socially distance, regular wash your hands thoroughly and avoid touching your eyes at all times. It brings into focus the correlation between your eyes and COVID 19, and it is worth considering that and acting accordingly. Your vision is priceless, and it goes without saying that regular testing and eyedrops where appropriate are things you should consider at all times, not just during a pandemic.

While COVID 19 is a new phenomenon, experts have already identified that eyes play a role in the spread of the disease and can therefore play a role in its prevention. The mucous membranes in the body are a means of transmitting the virus, hence the advice to avoid touching eyes, mouth and nose wherever possible and ensuring scrupulously hands at all times, especially if you instinctively ‘’reach’’ for your eyes, mouth and nose.

Facemasks are required in most social situations, but they only cover mouth and nose, so your eyes are more vulnerable. While some health workers and members of the public are wearing a visor that covers the whole of their faces, that remains uncommon and unpopular. Droplets in the air spread the virus and they can drop on you. Mouth and nose included. If you unknowingly have droplets landing on you and you touch your eyes, you are spreading the problem. You may instinctively touch your face, including eyes, nose and mouth, multiple times a day without realising it.

The opinion does differ, not surprisingly for something so new, but some experts feel that glasses provide good protection, better than contact lenses that many people wear each day. It may be marginal, just as hand to eye transmission may not be common but anything that minimises the spread is surely worthwhile. It is a generalisation but those wearing contact lenses are more likely to tough their eyes more often than people in glasses.

Others believe that contracting conjunctivitis, commonly known as ‘’pink eye’’ need to be extra vigilant; it can be a symptom of Covid 19 some researchers believe. Conjunctivitis alone is not a sign of Covid, however; there must be other common symptoms as well.

The good news is that your eyes have a mechanism to naturally protect themselves, natural lubricant, and if your eyes become dry and irritating, use healthy eyedrops which are easy to find, buy and administer in minutes.


There has never been a time like this in the modern world and everyone needs to take responsibility for their movements and behaviour. While it is rare that your eyes can lead to your catching or transmitting the virus, it has happened so look after your eyes because your vision is one of the most precious thins you have.

Always read the label - Use only as directed - If symptoms persist see your healthcare professional.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration or the Therapeutic Goods Regulations 1990.

These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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