Healthy Food for your Dog with Cataracts

Ethos Bright Eyes NAC Eye Drops for Pets & 10 Super Foods for Animal eye health especially Cataracts
These super foods listed below are known to help fight eye disease and boost energy and maintains good health in general. Exercise, maintaining a healthy weight and protecting the Eyes from the harmful UV rays of the Sun is recommended by most Vets and Canine Ophthalmologist and our Ethos Eye Specialists whilst administering Ethos Bright Eyes Drops daily.
Eye drops make a great addition to your dog’s diet whilst treating Cataracts and Diabetes. Whether you feed - packaged manufactured healthy food or home cook meals consider adding the nutritionally-packed components to compliment your dog’s eating regime daily.
There are also many simple, fresh and wholesome food items that dogs and humans can thrive on, including apples, green beans, papaya, leafy greens, liver and hearts, eggs, oats, bananas, wheat grass, cranberries, nuts, pumpkin seeds, coconut oil, parsley, wheat germ and apple cider vinegar.
For dogs, animal protein such as rice, chicken, turkey, duck, lamb, goat, rabbit, pork, beef, fish and venison, should be an integral part of their meals.
The Ethos Group also recommends a daily supplement Ethos L-Carnosine.
(Please see my other items for sale in my store)
This super strong antioxidant has dramatic results on many health conditions by providing food for the brain and body and slowing down the ageing process
Be sure to introduce these foods gradually and with the proper proportions, and check with your veterinarian if your dog, cat, kangaroo etc has any dietary or health concerns.
Kale is a supercharged leafy vegetable that contains an abundant amount of Vitamins, including A, E, and C. It is a good source of Antioxidants for Dogs Eyes and helps the liver detoxify the body. It also has anti-inflammatory properties. Avoid in pets with certain types of bladder stones or kidney disease.
A great dog snack crunchy, naturally sweet and most dogs and horses really like them. They are loaded with Fibre, Vitamin C and K (needed for blood clotting), as well as Potassium. They have Magnesium, Manganese, most of the B Vitamins and Phosphorus, which is required for good eye sight and energy production, among other things.
Low in calories and high in soluble fibre, pumpkin helps maintain a healthy digestive tract. It is low in sodium and exceptionally high in Carotenoids, Potassium and Vitamin C, and has some Calcium and B Vitamins. Canned organic pureed pumpkin can be found at food stores but be sure that it is pure and not a pie filling, so with no sugar or spices added.
Sweet Potatoes
These tuberous roots are rich in beta-carotene and boast 150% more Antioxidants than blueberries. Sweet potatoes are also super high in heart-healthy Vitamin A and packed with Vitamin C to keep immunes system strong in all animals and blood circulation to the eyes
Oily fishes such as herring, salmon, sardines, mackerel and anchovies are bursting with Omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3s do wonders for skin, coat and brain as well as limit inflammatory processes that cause arthritic pain and other chronic dietary conditions. (If your dog, cat, any other animal has any of these conditions, ask your vet if fish oil in capsule form might help too.) Fish are an excellent protein source, with many essential Vitamins and Minerals for Good Vision
Dried edible seaweed is a Japanese staple. Often associated with sushi, nori is available in some supermarkets, especially those stocking Asian food items. It has Protein, Vitamins C, E and all the Bs, and Minerals such as zinc and copper. It also contains some lesser-known sterols and chlorophyll, which have been investigated for their effects on regulating metabolism. Nori may have beneficial effects on fat metabolism, immune function and anti-tumour response. Make sure the nori/seaweed is low in sodium; amounts vary greatly in these products.
The seeds of this traditional grain from Mesoamerica have several of the same benefits as the more well-known “super seed†flax, but unlike flax seed, you don’t need to grind them to reap the health benefits for visual health as your dog ages. The nutritional benefits of chia include fibre, Omega fatty acids, Calcium, Antioxidants and even Protein. (Highly absorbent, they can help hydrate the body.) Chia seeds can be simply sprinkled on their meals.
Commonly considered a grain, quinoa (pronounced keen-wa) is actually a seed related to spinach. Quinoa is a complete protein supplying all eight of the essential Amino Acids and is a good source of Fibre, Folate, Magnesium, Iron, Phosphorous and many physiochemical. One of the few vegetables sources of complete Proteins, quinoa is a potent Antioxidant for eyes for dogs with Diabetes.
Active cultures known as Probiotics (necessary, friendly bacteria) help keep the bad bacteria away. Yogurt, which may improve gut function, contains a number of Nutrients for general health and eye problems including Protein, Calcium, Phosphorus, and Vitamin B12, Potassium, Zinc and iodine. It is also a fair source of other B vitamins such as riboflavin and Pantothenic Acid (required for enzyme action and energy production, as well as other cellular functions).
Available year round either fresh or frozen, blueberries, loaded with Physiochemical, are a great treat for your dog. This fruit is rated the best dietary supplement for Humans and Dogs for maintaining good vision. The deep blue colour comes from Anthocyanidins, which are potent Antioxidants, and the berries also supply Vitamins C and E, manganese and fibres. Slow introduction in small quantities is particularly essential; gorging on this tasty fruit can adversely affect canine and human bowel movements.