How is your Eyesight

Your eyes are so precious! It is difficult to imagine what it is like to live without eyesight on a daily basis, yet a proportion of the population does exactly that. The World Health Organisation estimates that around 2.2 billion people worldwide suffer from near or distant visual impairment with the problems around a billion of them having been preventable. “The Third World” and the lack of readily available treatment make up the vast majority but you can see from those figures that you should look after the health of your eyes. That care includes keeping your eyes clean and nourishing them where possible. Marine phytoplankton with its antioxidant properties and omega 3 fatty acids will certainly help you with that.
You should get regular eye tests to ensure that none of the conditions that can affect your vision is developing. While you should expect that with age your vision will deteriorate but that should not be a dramatic change needing more than glasses. If you get regular eye tests, you will be able to keep abreast of the quality of your vision year by year.
Some working environments are not ideal for the health of your eyes. If you work in a dirty and dusty environment, you should be especially aware of potential problems. Likewise, bright sunshine can be a problem. Whenever you lie in the sun in search of your holiday suntan, wear some protection for your eyes in the shape of sunglasses. While there is no widespread legislation in many parts of the world about smoking indoors in offices, bars and restaurants and work places in general, if you find yourself in a smoky atmosphere, that can harm your eyes.
While some people are born blind, blindness can result from a number of conditions that you might develop. Glaucoma can be dangerous while cataracts will lead to your vision becoming blurred for example. It is important to be aware of any condition developing within your eyes. In recent years, there has been a growing market in supplements that can help eye diseases developing in the first place. Prevention is better than cure is the old cliché and it is certainly true.
If you do research online about the health of your eyes, you will find details of the vitamins and minerals that will keep you healthy, and this applies equally to your eyes as the rest of your body. Marine phytoplankton is one of the supplements that has reached increased prominence in recent years.
There are suppliers that can provide evidence of their success in marketing marine phytoplankton and you should seek them out online. If you can find evidence of their success through testimonials, they are worth considering. A simple way of ordering and a good delivery service is ideal. Anyone buying online is looking for customer service and you should as well. While you are unlikely to retain 20:20 vision throughout your life, you can be confident that regular check up and healthy supplements will ensure that you will avoid any of the conditions that have affected the billion that could have retained their sight.