How Well Do You Know Your Own Eyes

Our eyes are one of the most precious parts of our body’s and one of the most important senses. Not only are they beautiful, but they provide us with one of life’s greatest gifts; sight. As you will know, our products are dedicated to helping you to achieve and maintain a healthy body and healthy eyes. Many of our products help to combat against eye diseases and give you the best eye sight and health possible. However, although we spend so much time protecting our eyes, how much do we really know about them? Here are 10 things about your eyes that most people don’t know!
1. The purpose of blinking is not only to lubricate your eye and stop them from drying out but it’s also to remove tiny pieces of debris that we don’t realise are on our eyes such as dust.
2. Tears have anti-bacterial purposes.
3. Unlike most animals, shark corneas are very similar to humans and they have been used to replace human corneas before now.
4. Schizophrenia can be diagnosed almost entirely by an eye test.
5. There are colours that are impossible for the human eye to see because they are too complex and can only be seen in special circumstances and conditions.
6. It is possible for your eyes to become sunburnt. In the process the eye tissue becomes thicker and often surgery is needed.
7. Neither blue nor green pigments are present in the eye however our people still perceive eyes as that colour. This is because of the lighting at the time and the circumstances.
8. The human retina cannot detect the colour red.
9. The human eye can only make smooth cannot jolting movements if it is following a moving object.
10. The eye has a blind spot where the optic nerve is attached.
So there are our 10 interesting facts about the eye. Make sure to look after your eyes as many people only realise their value once they are gone. If you think we can help to keep your eyes healthy contact us today!