I Spy with My Little Eye

I Spy with My Little Eye
‘’I spy’’ is a children’s game though it often involves parents and everyone has plenty of fun. The idea is that someone picks an item in the room, or indeed anywhere else, that is in full view of everyone. The clue that person provides is the first letter of the thing he or she has ‘’spied’’ and it is up to everyone else to guess what it is. It is often used to relive children’s boredom. It can be played while travelling for example but the object must remain in sight until someone guesses right. That can be a problem unless the object is something that is all the way along the route.
Having fun does not need to cost any money and when a family is together, time spent playing such simple games is valuable.
Young children depend upon their parents for many things. Their upbringing in formative years usually has quite an impact on their adult lives. A child’s health is precious and in today’s world, the levels of child obesity in the developed world is quite disturbing. It is not that parents don’t care as much as it is tempting to give children what they like; that includes fizzy drinks, and far too much sugar in other parts of their diet, sweets and ice cream, and salt in processed foods, crisps etc. Something is definitely wrong! As an adult, you should think about your diet as well.
Do you recognise this scenario with you and your children? Not playing ‘’I spy’’ but letting them drink lots of sugary drinks, eat chips and pizza and leaving green vegetables off their plates. If you do, you will find it difficult to do much about it unless any changes you plan are so slow that the kids don’t notice.
Another potential problem in children is their reluctance to wear glasses. Children can be cruel without knowing it and sometimes those wearing glasses are picked on, even in fun, just because they are different. The problem is that if a child has vision problems, it is possible that it will affect their learning. Eye problems are surprising common among school children and regular eye tests are important to discover any issues. If you think your child is too close to the television or to a book he or she is reading, there may be a problem; blurred vision possibly.
Myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism are common problems in children. The answer is those glasses or contact lenses which in the short term will ensure that your child’s vision is as good as everyone else’s in the class. That way they should not fall behind with their schoolwork. The problem may not last too long but it highlights the need for testing and for taking good care of your eyes whatever your age. In later years, when you play ‘’I Spy’’ with your children, think about it. If you find that your own vision is not as good as you would like, get tested yourself and perhaps use eyedrops to keep your eyes properly lubricated