Macular Degeneration AMD Eye Drops

AMD is one of the main causes of losing your sight. It is a problem that affects millions of people and unfortunately, there is no defined treatment that is guaranteed to solve the problem. It is caused by the central portion of the retina deteriorating. The back layer of the eye records the images which it sends to the brain via the optic nerve. The Macular is the name for that part of the retina; it provides the means of focusing and hence is essential in everything from reading to recognition and driving. You will have seen many an old photograph that is out of focus as opposed to being sharp; that is the difference between a diseased and a healthy eye.
There are two forms of macular degeneration, dry and wet. Wet AMD is where new blood vessels appear where they are not supposed to be. However, the Dry form is by far the more common, perhaps even in the ratio of 9:1, and that is fortunate because the Wet form has potentially far more serious consequences. Dry macular degeneration is when yellowish spots start to accumulate around the macula with the result that vision gradually deteriorates.
There are clinical trials that are ongoing to find a cure for both forms. It appears that supplements can help in combating AMD and if you fear that you are experiencing the early stages of AMD, you must act immediately to see what can be done.
In the early stages, you may not notice much difference but gradually things become blurred and ultimately it leads to ‘’legal blindness.’’ Peripheral vision remains but that is insufficient for many activities.
The problem is often age-related. For that reason alone, regular eye examinations are important. Research has not revealed everything about the disease, which in itself is a problem. There may be hereditary reasons why someone will suffer from AMD or alternatively, there can be environmental factors. There is no doubt that the risk increases in those over 55 years of age and as with many things, smoking doesn’t help.
With no known complete cure, eating a healthy diet, not smoking and taking exercise are things you can do. A healthy diet includes plenty of food that means there is little sacrifice involved; greens, eggs, fruit, fish and white meat are all fine. If you eat a good and balanced diet, you are unlikely to carry excess weight, never mind become obese and that is a factor in avoiding diabetes and ultimately eye problems. There are warnings about smoking when it comes to a number of different health issues, eyes included. It is a matter of personal choice of course.
Eyedrops have become an important part of looking after your eyes. There are a number of testimonials that bear witness to the success of good eyedrops, and it is worth looking on our websites to find out more. Certainly, the time to administer eyedrops as per the instructions is negligible. They are available online, including the popular buying and selling website, eBay.