Marine Phytoplankton 150g Life Extension


Diet, Supplements and Exercise for a Healthy Life

Life expectancy, certainly in the developed world, has increased over the years yet there are still diseases for which there is no known cure. All that any individual can do is to eat a balanced diet with fresh food and vegetables central to it. Any vitamin and mineral deficiencies can be solved with supplements that now form a significant part of the modern world in those developed countries. Exercise is important yet not everyone seems to be able to find the time.

There are many pressures in modern-day life. For some it is the pressure to earn enough to feed the family and pay all the bills. For others, it is finding the time to relax, grabbing a quick meal before heading out for the next part of a busy schedule. The problem for the former means cheap foods are part of daily life. For the some of the latter, the microwave has become indispensable. Convenience foods heated in a microwave have become a significant seller in supermarket chains. Such processed food eaten in excess is potentially bad news for general health.

In nature, fauna on land and in the oceans seek out their food as they always have. In the oceans, marine phytoplankton is at the bottom of the food chain yet without it, what would happen? The small fish and creatures depend upon it. Given that they are the prey for larger “creatures”, right up to the whales, the seas would be in danger of becoming lifeless if marine phytoplankton disappeared.

Research on marine phytoplankton has revealed that not only does it contain minerals that are beneficial to the human body and its tissues, it has the ability to remove toxins from the blood, to increase oxygenation, to improve circulation and to counter cells that may lead to cancer. The success of marine phytoplankton supplements in recent years is evidence that people are finding out its benefits to their general health.

The human body needs a series of vitamins. In the case of marine phytoplankton, you will receive vitamins C and E as well as several in the “B group”. They include B1, B2, B6, B8, B9 and B12, the latter being very important to vegetarians and vegans who will not get it in their typical diets.

While these supplements don’t work alone, combined with a healthy diet avoiding too much processed food, fried food and sugary products, regular use of a quality marine phytoplankton supplement makes real sense. If you do your research, you will find a company whose success and testimonials are evidence of how they can help you in your quest for a long and healthy life.

Such a supplement has been marketed with specific instructions about use and dosage. It is important that these instructions are followed when you purchase the product. Those instructions are based upon the manufacturer’s research from the beginning of its work to provide marine phytoplankton to the consumer, something that has benefitted all its users

Always read the label - Use only as directed - If symptoms persist see your healthcare professional.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration or the Therapeutic Goods Regulations 1990.

These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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