Sleep with the Fishes

Marine phytoplankton is mentioned at the times when people are discussing superfoods or how the ever-increasing world population can feed itself. Huge numbers of the world’s population have little choice in the decision. They will have to try to feed themselves as their forefathers have done by growing crops for a subsistence life. Others look to the oceans, seas and rivers and perhaps therein lies a quandary? Waters have sustained life since time began and that phytoplankton at the bottom of the marine food chain has been crucial. Whether it can continue to do the job is partly dependent upon how Man treats the waters of the Earth.
Unfortunately, in parts of the world, waters are dumping grounds, taking away pollution directly from industry. Pollution includes the problem of plastic and that is a problem that exists wherever there is human life. It may not be anyone’s intentions to use the seas as dumping grounds, or at least, not ordinary people.
‘’The Godfather Trilogy’’ made compulsive viewing. It covered several decades of a mafia family in the USA, winning several awards along the way. An expression that became popular because of the first of the trilogy was he ‘’sleeps with the fishes.’’ It described the death of Luca Brasi with his bullet-proof vest (with a fish inside) presented by Tessio to the assembly. There was every intention of using water as a dumping ground in this case and likely all that would be left very quickly was a collection of bones. The problem is that plastic doesn’t disappear as quickly, if at all, and some chemicals can persist in water for a considerable time.
Man may be slowly killing a natural resource that is too valuable to lose. Already, there are questions about whether fish from polluted rivers can be safely consumed; in parts of the world, the locals have little choice. Mercury levels are worrying as well. When it comes to Marine phytoplankton it is produced in laboratory conditions to ensure that it contains precisely what it should and nothing more.
The vitamins and minerals, calcium and omega 3 are all important when it comes to a healthy body, and the fact that it is something that can be used as a substitute for salt makes it even more special. Everyone seems to be consuming too much salt, because it is used so widely in the food industry without it advertising the fact. Marine phytoplankton is a much healthier alternative to sugar and is increasingly being used by chefs in their cooking. By all means, try it yourself as one way to improve your diet, and that of your family. If you prefer just to take it as a supplement do so, but make sure you avoid too much salt. It is not good for you. You don’t want to join Luca Brasi before your time, do you?