The History of Eye Allergies


Allergic reactions certainly seemed to be part of life in the ancient world. There are descriptions document by the Greeks and the Romans. Medical advances centuries later led to increased research into the phenomenon. In the early 19th Century, Dr. John Bostock described hay fever that remains an irritating condition still around today. Large numbers of people suffer from it worldwide, with figures in North America and Europe suggesting over 20% of the population through all age groups.

Half a century after Bostock’s announcement, a skin test for allergies was devised. The scientist put a little pollen into a small cut in the skin to see the reaction. The idea of immunotherapy to build up a person’s immune system to allergies through injections didn’t follow until 1914 but wasn’t in common use for a further 20 years. At that point, antihistamines and medications intended to counter allergic reactions. Even then, there had not been enough research on the reasons behind reactions.

In the 1980s however, Professor Samuelson won the Nobel Prize in Medicine and Physiology for his studies on asthma allergy and why foreign substances caused such inflammatory responses. Today, there are several ways for testing and a range of treatments to counter allergies. Some allergies can be fatal. When it comes to nut allergy, absolute avoidance of consuming anything with the slightest nut content is the only 100% answer.

Fortunately, other allergies are less serious but nevertheless irritating. Thinking back to the hay fever described over 200 years ago, it results an unpleasant experience and sufferers can expect a few bouts each year, depending on the pollen count in the air, and the season. In the spring as the environment seems to come alive, trees and grass both give off pollen. In the following months, tree pollen counts may fall but simply be replaced by weed pollen while sufferers should try to avoid places where grass has been newly cut or rape seed is growing.

While there is no cure to hay fever, there is a good alternative to avoidance. You can get naturally manufactured eyedrops that provide relief from itchiness, runny nose and red eyes. A good online supplier should have testimonials that reflect the effectiveness of such drops. Relief comes quickly and it surely makes sense to have a supply to hand immediately to get that relief? Delivery will be prompt but no supplier can perform miracles to keep drops in your bathroom cabinet.

Always read the label - Use only as directed - If symptoms persist see your healthcare professional.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration or the Therapeutic Goods Regulations 1990.

These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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