What are the Best Eye Drops for AMD

Eye drops for Macular Degeneration (AMD) have become an important part of looking after your eyes. There are a number of testimonials that bear witness to the success of our Ethos Eye drops.
The problem is often age-related. For that reason alone, regular eye examinations are important. Research has not revealed everything about the disease, which in itself is a problem. There may be hereditary reasons why someone will suffer from AMD or alternatively, there can be environmental factors. There is no doubt that the risk increases in those over 55 years of age and as with many things, smoking doesn’t help.
With no known complete cure, eating a healthy diet, not smoking and taking exercise are things you can do. A healthy diet includes plenty of food that means there is little sacrifice involved; greens, eggs, fruit, fish and white meat are all fine. If you eat a good and balanced diet, you are unlikely to carry excess weight, never mind become obese and that is a factor in avoiding diabetes and ultimately eye problems. There are warnings about smoking when it comes to a number of different health issues, eyes included. It is a matter of personal choice of course.