Will you need hayfever eyedrops


Winter can be a depressing time. It often means plenty of rain, periods of rain and low temperatures. It is the season when colds and runny noses are more common yet for hay fever sufferers, those bad colds may not be a result of the weather as such. Allergies are a year around presence and even in winter, your apparent cold may still be your allergy surfacing even if it is “low season.”

It is worth knowing what the “dangers” are each month so that you can minimise exposure. From November, when winter effectively starts, you can get hay fever from some sources. In November for example, some weed pollens may still be around, especially if the weather is still mild. December should be the best month for problems except if you have any damp areas in the house, perhaps a little mould then sort the problem out.

Early tree pollen in winter is a possibility, especially from a few different tree species; yew, alder and hazel are particular culprits. As the weeks progress, there is more likelihood of tree pollen. Willow, poplar and elm may become the problem into March, while this is the start of pollen from grass and even weeds. Oilseed rape is a common crop these days. Avoid walking near these yellow fields.

Summer is the peak season for hay fever because this is the time for regular grass cutting and the growth of weeds in untended areas. While grass pollen recedes as the summer progresses, weed pollen counts peak. While in Autumn, pollen counts begin to drop, weed pollen can cause problems, especially if temperatures remain good.

So armed with this general information, what advice should you follow to minimise the number of times you might get an attack of hay fever? Well, locking the doors, closing your windows and staying inside would be a miserable life, wouldn’t it, so forget that. You will want to enjoy your summers but be selective about where you walk, while grass pollen is around. Keeping your eyes clean and even wearing sun glasses that will at least protect your eyes to extent will help. If they are a wrap around design, better still.

There are now naturally formulated eye drops that combat hay fever effectively. Remember there is no cure as such but keeping such eyedrops in your bathroom cabinet will certainly help you.

Always read the label - Use only as directed - If symptoms persist see your healthcare professional.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration or the Therapeutic Goods Regulations 1990.

These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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