Cookie Policy

Unless your device (mobile phone, computer, or tablet) can accept cookies, you will be unable to make the best use of our website and its interactive properties. As an example, here are the cookies that you may receive from and their function.
You may reject cookies and how to do this is explained in full under the ''Help'' menu but you should understand the consequences of taking this action.
Strictly Necessary Cookies
These are ones without which the website simply will not function properly. You cannot switch them off if you want full access to the website. They respond to your seeking help in accessing areas of the website such as forms after logging in. If you set your browser to block them, you will be unable to shop. No personal information is held by such cookies.
Performance Cookies
These cookies perform the function of monitoring traffic which is an important aspect of the business. Knowing which pages are popular and which are rarely visited is important management information. All such data is completely anonymous. If you block such cookies, you will hamper attempts to improve the quality of service.
Functional Cookies
Functional cookies help the website to respond to visitors by remembering information from previous visits. This can be something as simple as name and address but in no cases is it information that is harmful to potential clients. However, you can disable them but that may affect the quality of service on offer.
Targeting Cookies
These cookies aim to remember your interests and thereby send you adverts that may interest you based on your use of the website. They can identify your device and browser but do not store personal information. If you disable these, any advertising you receive will not be targeted.
Social Media Cookies
Social Media Cookies provide the facility for you to share content with friends and networks. They can track your browser to help build up a profile of you and your interests. This can affect the information and messaging you see elsewhere. Disabling these cookies will remove your ability to share with others.
Managing cookies
If you go to Cookie Settings, you will be able to disable cookies, but you should remember we have taken steps to protect your privacy if that is your concern.
Without cookies, you will not get the best out of the website, so we advise you to think seriously before turning any of them off. or are both places where more information is available.
Log Files
Websites in general gather information on anyone who accesses them. Such information includes IP addresses, browsers, date, and time as well as pages accessed etc. It is impersonal information used as an aid to the website by providing statistics etc. It is of no use to third parties and will not be provided to any such parties anyway.
By using the website, you agree that statistical information can be used purely to assist us in gathering a better picture of trends and our potential database.